Bio Orto directly follows every phase of the farming, the food processing and the distribution of the products, with an approach which comes from the natural symbiosis between industrial craftsmanship and a glocal positioning.
The fresh vegetables
It is from the majority of these vegetables that the Bio Orto processed foods come from. Oils, condiments, preserved foods, sauces, pesto, spreads and preserved in oil foods, high quality products that are the natural result of the company’s passion for the land and its fruits, the desire to offer the authentic flavours of organic farming and a processing of excellence which allows Bio Orto to serve quality products that enhance the fragrances and flavours of the land of Puglia.

The cauliflower is a vegetable that is rich in mineral salts such as potassium, sodium, boron and sulphur, from which its particular aroma comes. Moreover, its remarkable anti-inflammatory and depurative properties make it a key ally of the respiratory system. Starting from the cauliflower, Bio Orto produces an Organic Cauliflower Spread with a genuine taste.
October - May

Chard is rich in vitamins and, paired with legumes, releases mineral salts that aid their natural digestion.
October - April

Fennel is a highly digestive vegetable and it is rich in nutritional properties. With a sweet flavour, its unmistakable aroma comes from the dill.
October - June

Romanesco Broccoli
The Romanesco broccoli is rich in vitamins and it is a source of water, fibre and antioxidants. Thanks to its properties, it is a key ally of the stomach and the intestine. Starting from the Romanesco broccoli, Bio Orto produces a high quality Organic Romanesco Broccoli Spread that enhances the flavours and fragrances of the fresh ingredient.
November - March

The Bio Orto broccoli is ideal for the winter season. In particular, its stem is extremely rich in vitamins, much richer than its florets.
October - May

Curly Kale
The curly kale is high in fibre and rich in antioxidants, mineral salts, vitamin C, calcium and iron. In addition, it contains no fats and it has very few calories. Starting from the curly kale, Bio Orto produces a high quality Organic Kale Pesto that enhances the flavours and fragrances of the fresh ingredient.
November - March

Rich in vitamins, A and C, the celery contains very few calories and its typical aroma is due to the sedanolide, the aromatic substance of which it is made.
October - June

Butternut Squash
With the typical elongated shape, the butternut squash is rich in water, mineral salts and vitamins. In particular, it contains high concentrations of vitamin A and beta-carotene, as well as a high content of vitamin C. Starting from the butternut squash, Bio Orto produces a flavourful Organic Butternut Squash Cream that enhances the flavours and fragrances of the fresh vegetable.

Mini Watermelon
The mini watermelon, a fruit that is the symbol of summer, is extremely rich in water and sugary substances.
July - August

The Bio Orto tomato is a genuine product, rich in nutritional and beneficial substances such as the vitamins, C and A, but also B1, B2, B6 and E. What is more, this tomato has a high content of lycopene, a natural antioxidant substance that, with its extremely high antioxidant properties, fights ageing and helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases. Starting from organic tomatoes, Bio Orto produces the Organic Whole Peeled Tomatoes in Water and the Organic Tomato Passata, high quality products that are particularly versatile in the kitchen.
July - August

Yellow Datterino Tomato
The yellow Datterino tomato is rich in vitamins - A, B and C - and substances that have a high antioxidant power and are capable of neutralizing the free radicals. Compared to the red tomatoes, it has a higher sugar level. Starting from the yellow Datterino tomato, Bio Orto produces the Organic Yellow Datterini Tomatoes in Water, an excellent quality product that enhances the flavours and fragrances of the fresh fruit.
July - August

Red Datterino Tomato
The Bio Orto red Datterino tomato is a type of food with excellent diuretic and detoxifying qualities thanks to potassium and the very low concentration of sodium. Compared to other tomatoes, it has a higher sugar level. Starting from the red Datterino tomato, Bio Orto produces the Organic Datterini Tomatoes in Water, a high quality product that enhances the flavours and fragrances of the fresh ingredient.
July - August